Asset Management

Epic Projects and Consulting is dedicated to assisting you in getting the best out of your assets. We realise assets are costly items which need to be managed in a way that maximises the benefit to cost of the asset over the asset’s life.

Asset Management Plans

To assist you with maximising the benefit to cost of the assets, Epic Projects and Consulting provide Asset Management Plans reporting. The plan reports address:

  • Levels of Service
    • Establish measurements and targets for success
  • Performance management
    • How the asset is performing compared to how the asset is meant to perform
    • If the asset is underperforming what can be done to insure satisfactory performance?
    • How will the asset perform in the future? Will minimum criteria be met?
  • Sustainability
    • What are the long-term costs and effects of the asset, this includes consumption of resources, production of waste and toxins damage to ecology and life support systems and social issues?
    • The report will also address how the negative long-term effects are being addressed
  • Life cycle costing
    • Where the asset is in is its life, how many more working years the asset has?
    • Is the best way forward maintenance, replacement, or removal?
    • Develop risk management strategies
    • Optimization of spending for maximum benefit
  • Community perception
    • How the community perceives the asset
    • What the community expects to gain or receive from the asset

Condition Assessment

To assist you with making sure all assets are in working order and not posing any risks, Epic Projects and Consulting provides Condition Assessment reporting. The plan reports address:

  • Risks
    • What is the risk? includes risk matrices
    • What can be done to address this risk?
    • Suggestions of measures to take to mitigate these risks will be included in these reports
  • Optimal solution focus
    • Use of engineering expertise and construction knowledge to provide the most cost-effective solutions to defects
  • Depreciation and valuation

Asset Renewal Programs

Epic Projects and Consulting can assist with the provision of asset renewal programs. These Asset renewal programs look at groups of assets and provide an efficient and effective solution to maintenance and asset performance.

ISO 55001 (Asset Management Systems) Compliance

It can be daunting dealing with standards such as ISO 55001 and meeting its requirements.

Epic Projects and consulting can assist you in meeting ISO 55001 requirements for asset management. Contact us today!

Asset Management